The IDA Blog

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The IDA Blog2023-08-24T17:22:08+00:00
  • The IDA Blog
August 25, 20221:33 am

Wreaths Across America and IDA

Each December on National Wreaths Across America Day, a wreath laying ceremony is carried out to Remember, Honor and Teach about our brave Veterans. This year at Intelligence Driven Advisers our employees and their families had the pleasure of participating in this ceremony honor our veterans during the holidays. We appreciate the sacrifice so many men and women have made to defend and fight for our freedoms. It’s with great honor we were able to say a prayer for some true heros this holiday season and place wreaths on their grave sites. REMEMBER- Our Fallen US Veterans HONOR- Those Who Serve TEACH- Your Children the Value of Freedom “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend [...]

August 25, 20221:28 am

Why Just Ok Financial Advice is Not Good Enough-Financial Planning Specialist

Unethical financial advisers are far too common. And if they are ethical, many are doing just ok for the people they provide financial advice to. I am dismayed at how limited access to ethical and quality financial advice is for consumers. When recommending financial strategies, most financial advisers prioritize what makes themselves more money and takes the least amount of their time, rather than what is best for the people they provide advice to. Change is necessary in the financial services industry, particularly for consumers. Financial professionals are in a position to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives. Most are just not doing that, or not doing that well enough. At a time when most financial advisers were not offering comprehensive financial planning to their clients, I learned how valuable financial advisers can be in people’s lives by creating quality comprehensive financial plans for them, in addition to [...]

August 25, 20221:13 am

We’ll Do This Together, Won’t We- By Bonnie Moseley, Wealth Adviser

COVID – 19 – “We’ll Do This Together, Won’t We”. This may have a different meaning for folks that are managing a household and the household finances alone. As I’ve read articles and social media posts throughout this time, I notice that I am starting to see posts such as “for one person it may be a vacation, for another it may be hardship”. For many single women, it relieves stress and pressure to have a plan in place – a plan that addresses the worst case scenario. If you can make it through the worst case, you can make it through anything, right? There is an interesting article by Investment News – “Many Investors are Seeking Out Financial Advice for the 1st Time”, but still approximately 85% of Americans don’t have a financial advisor. CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE  If you ask me, it’s because it’s hard to know what to look for in [...]

August 25, 20221:10 am

Acquiring a Business- By Frank Gesuale, Wealth Adviser

A successful acquisition is where the value of the business purchased at least equals and hopefully exceeds the value of the consideration paid to acquire it. To the buyer, the value of the consideration paid is usually determinable. Accordingly, the bottom line in evaluating a purchase is the determination of the value of the business acquired. Therefore, the buyer must consider what value clearly means to be able to make that decision. Apart from minor considerations such as self-pride, the value of an investment is simply the ability of the investment to return enough cash to repay the investor their initial investment plus an amount sufficient to reward them for the use of and risk to their investment. In the case of the purchase of a business, this cash can only come from that generated by business operations, proceeds from a sale or liquidation, or a combination of the two. [...]

August 25, 202212:18 am

The Markets Response to Crisis

This webinar has past. Thank you for joining.Please join us for a webcast on April 9th at 4pm PT with IDA Founder and President Jason Labrum and guest speaker Apollo Lupescu, PhD, Vice President at Dimensional Fund Advisors. Jason and Apollo will review the recent volatility in financial markets and provide perspective on the events of the last few weeks.During the webcast, we will discuss:Recent volatility in the financial marketsHistorical perspective on market declines during previous eventsWhy stock price fluctuations should be viewed as a normal part of investing Contact an Adviser Today

August 25, 202212:04 am

Bear Market…Now What?

Today is an example of how fast the tide can turn. Not saying we are out of the woods yet, but Bear Markets do NOT last forever. In fact, they do not last very long typically as compared to BULL markets. Stay disciplined and know that Intelligence Driven Advisers, is here to help you Pursue Better when it comes to your personalized investment strategy and financial plan. Click on the image below to view report: Contact an Adviser Today

March 5, 20193:33 am

Passive Income: What it is & How to Use it to Build Wealth

Passive income is generated with little effort to maintain it. Generally, this type of income is tied to some form of investing. It allows for an accumulation of wealth without a person’s direct involvement once the initial investment has been funded. Rental properties, financial portfolios (stocks, bonds) or private business investments are capable of generating regular cash flow. Each build wealth using various tools from interest payments, dividends, or limited partner shares. And of course, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) comes into play with a guideline that defines passive income for tax purposes. Some passive investments pay immediately, most gain momentum over time. You can build an investment portfolio to create a diverse source of short-term cash flow while accumulating long-term investments. Before you dive into passive income investing, be sure you understand what’s involved. 3 COMMON TYPES OF PASSIVE INCOME 1. RENTAL PROPERTIES Real estate continues to be [...]

January 10, 20193:35 am

5 Tips to Organize Your Finances for 2019 Tax Season

With 2018 wrapping up and the new year approaching, the time has come to start preparing yourself for the upcoming 2019 tax season. When it comes to tax time, filing your taxes can be a daunting experience especially for those who are unorganized. Be prepared this tax season by following the five tax organization tips listed below. 1. GATHER ALL OF YOUR RECEIPTS While you may be diligent about saving your receipts throughout the year, there is a good chance that they are simply stored in a file folder, or box, with little regard to how they are organized. Before you sit down with your tax professional take the time to sort through your receipts and get them organized so you can find what you need when it comes to itemization, The main categories that you should sort your receipts into include: Home and office expenses: This should include utility [...]

December 18, 20182:52 am

How Long Will $1 Million Last You in Retirement?

Have you ever wondered how much your life’s savings will last you in your retirement years? Having a Certified Financial Planner is key to helping you organize your finances and project the results of your investments and savings. A CFP is critical in helping you make decisions that will assist you in reaching your financial goals. The age at which you retire is only one of the factors when forecasting your retirement date, WHERE you decide to retire can also play a very important factor and may mean the difference in a great deal of money. Click here to find out which state will give you the most bang for your buck to retire. How long will your retirement dollars last per state? “Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you invest, investigate. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you [...]

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