The Financial Detox® Show

Financial Detox® is the path to helping you make the most of your wealth!
The Financial Detox® Show2022-09-12T18:26:43+00:00

Enjoy our most popular Financial Detox® Shows posted here

Listen to The Financial Detox Show to gain expert insight into the latest financial planning topics and trends. Enjoy our most popular shows on demand now.

September 12, 20225:53 pm

Good Tax Planning Defined And Why You Should Consider Alternative Investments?

Financial Detox is a platform to educate and clarify financial concepts that are so important to managing and preserving wealth. Information in the financial space is ever-changing and ongoing knowledge is power when it comes to investing and managing a financial plan.The team at Financial Detox is committed to helping individuals get better advice when it comes to their money. The world we live in today has lots of different ideas and opinions and there is conflicting information that can lead you to wrong decisions when managing your wealth.FD has a fiduciary interest to help serve the investor NOT the advisor or company the advisor is working for. In today's episode, Alex and Jason discuss good tax planning and how critical it can be to an overall financial plan.Listen to learn more! Contact an Adviser Today

September 8, 20222:35 am

Interest Rates Are Up, What To Do Next?

Financial Detox presents new micro learning series today with an explanation of the Fed and raising of interest rates. Jason Labrum and Alex Klingensmith with IDA discuss the relationship of the raising Fed rates to the markets and what investors should consider for hedging against inflation. Let's talk about the FED. Its very clear the our economy is in a "bear market" and these times will determine if you are successful investor or not. The fed just raised the rate another 75 basis points yet the markets reacted by going up that particular day. The reason the fed has raised rates is to control inflation or slow inflation. The US Economy has been in what is considered a "easy monetary" policy since early 2000; lower rates, easy to borrow, and the economy has been stimulated by these actions. Then throw in COVD where the government flushed the economy with [...]

September 8, 20222:29 am

Is It Time To Time The Market?

Welcome to Financial Detox, where host Jason Labrum and co-host Alex Klingensmith simplify the complex, share industry secrets and provide proven strategies designed to take you from financial insecurity to financial independence. In this show you will learn about: Strategies to extract value from your business while you are building and running the business. Contact an Adviser Today

September 8, 20222:26 am

Where Did The Year Go?

Welcome to Financial Detox, where host Jason Labrum and co-host Alex Klingensmith simplify the complex, share industry secrets and provide proven strategies designed to take you from financial insecurity to financial independence. In this show you will learn about: Strategies to extract value from your business while you are building and running the business. Contact an Adviser Today

September 8, 20222:24 am

How To Maximize Your Business Value

In this show you will learn about: Strategies to extract value from your business while you are building and running it What tax strategies can you focus on to ensure that you are getting the most value out of owning your own business? How can an accountable reimbursement plan help you and your sales teams? What kind of company retirement plans exist to help owners extract value via retirement savings? Strategies to position your business for selling it What is EBOC and why does it matter? What role does net operating income, or profitability, play in getting the best valuation? What are acquirers looking for? How does this vary across industries? How to navigate the next phase after business ownership Contact an Adviser Today

September 8, 20222:21 am

Inflation- Is It Transitory Or Long Term?

In this show you will learn about: Stats on Inflation: Inflation still dominates much of the headlines in the news. Google searches for “Inflation” are up over 100% and has dominated company conference calls by and increase of 350% for S&P 500 companies More than half of the total increase in CPI over the past two months has been due to used cars, rental cars, hotels, and airfare. These large price jumps in these small categories are due to reopening and supply chain disruptions, HOWEVER both of these are temporary When looking back to historical data, the last 30 years have actually experienced very little volatility in CPI and lower than average levels of inflation, (the average being 2.9% since 1926) so we should expect an increase and look at it as a sort of rebalancing. Too low of inflation can also even be a bad thing. One thing [...]

September 8, 20222:15 am

Cryptocurrency, Inflation And Impending Tax Increases

Welcome to Financial Detox, where host Jason Labrum and co-host Alex Klingensmith simplify the complex, share industry secrets and provide proven strategies designed to take you from financial insecurity to financial independence. Today’s episode begins with an introduction to Jason and Alex and how they began this podcast. The world of financial advisory can feel convoluted and overwhelming, but this show aims to educate listeners and clarify fundamental concepts that will help you achieve financial success and peace of mind. Our hosts dive right into some fascinating topics, beginning with Cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology, and how it will change the way we think of and use money over the next ten years. They discuss the role of government regulation in currency, China’s refusal to accept Bitcoin due to their inability to manipulate it as a medium of exchange, and why socialism always fails as an experiment. You’ll also hear [...]

September 8, 20222:12 am

What Is Debt?

Jason and Alex start off the show addressing a question that has been asked by more than one private client over the past couple of weeks. Given the US National Debt equal to 28.2 Trillion and the Federal Deficit at $4.5 Trillion and tack on all the recent stimulus money and Federal spending, what will be the effects on the market in the next 12 to 18 months? The topic for today’s show is based on the Federal debt, government spending and the effects it will have on the markets. Alex shares his perspective on stimulus money and the concept that stimulus money will make its way back into the market through the purchasing of goods and services. Jason interjects with adding that the real question is when does this artificial stimulus approach end? When will the country get back to making the economy work for itself? Alex reminds [...]

September 8, 20222:09 am

Impacts Of Inflation And How To Prepare

Jason and Alex started the show by taking a step back and reminding listeners and themselves why IDA’s team does not pick individual stocks and try to time the market. There are always unpredictable events that will happen with individual companies, such as Cox communication’s internet going down for multiple days unexpectedly. One of the biggest questions that clients and prospective clients have been asking is “What are you going to do to fight back against inflation?” Jason explained one of the main reasons that people are getting nervous about inflation is because the 10-year Treasury yield rose from approximately 0.5% up to around 1.7% in just a few months. Jason and Alex discussed the amount of debt in the U.S. that has grown to over $28 Trillion after the latest stimulus package. They explained how inflation is a general increase in prices and a fall in the purchasing [...]

September 8, 20222:07 am

Alternative Investments, The Why And When

Jason kicks off the show with giving an overview of when to look towards the topic to today’s discussion, alternatives. Alternative Investments become a viable option for investing when the public markets start to look too high, and questions arise as to how long this market run up can continue. Alex joins the discussion with stating the reality for most, alternatives are difficult and can continue to stump even the most astute investors. So, Alex opens the discussion with a question for Jason; Who should look to alternatives as an investment vehicle and who should not? Jason responds with clarifying first, what alternative investments are. It is an investment that is not available in the traditional marketplace with traditional liquidity. Traditional meaning publicly traded stocks, bonds, cash, and CDs. Alex reminds listeners that our core investment philosophy at Intelligence Driven Advisers is based on investing in efficient markets, stocks, [...]

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